Saturday, November 26, 2016

Dispatch from the MEDITECH Physician and CIO Forum 2016

Last month Acmeware was asked to attend and present at the 2016 MEDITECH Physician and CIO Form.

We had two very successful days at the forum, with a great table location right next to MEDITECH as you can see in the picture below.

The forum was well attended with a mix of CIOs, Providers, IT Informaticists, Quality Nurses, and CMIO's.

I was asked to speak with Jodi Frei on the downstream effects of quality reporting on revenue capture. Jodi and I took a detour from presenting the same quality reporting content that gets recycled on the web. We chose to present on the financial aspects of quality reporting that are tied to revenue capture.

The title of the presentation was Riding the Rapids of Payment Reform: Downstream Effects of Quality Reporting on Revenue Capture. In this presentation, we highlighted how quality measurement programs impact reimbursement affecting your revenue. The revenue at risk in your organization. We focused on quality programs like Value-Based Purchasing (VBP), Merit-Based Incentive Program (MIPS) and Alternative Payment Models (APM) and their impact on Part A and Part B reimbursements.

View Presentation:

This is an exciting time in Healthcare and at Acmeware. Our new relationship with MEDITECH as a Collaborative Solutions vendor for Quality Measures and Joint Commission ORYX Reporting will expose our OneView quality reporting platform to more MEDITECH clients.

2017 is going to be an exciting year!

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