This week, 1000 die hard MEDITECHers will gather together in Orlando to learn and exchange the latest in MEDITECH Healthcare software.
I will be speaking during a couple sessions, trying to share with peers how health care reform is accelerating the shift from fee for service to a value-based case. How value-based purchasing promotes interoperability, decision support systems, analytics, and clinical workflow products that help improve outcomes and wellness while reducing costs.
On Tuesday, May 29th at 9:30, I’ll be co-presenting in Osceola 5 an education workshop titled The Alphabet Soup of Clinical Quality Measures Reporting and Reimbursement: 2018 Updates.
The workshop will review how CMS is aligning clinical quality measures to reduce the reporting burden for healthcare organizations and providers. We will cover the vision and goals for achieving quality alignment for CMS. CMS’ long-term goals are to tie Fee for service medicine to value-based care while over time reducing the number of reimbursements tied to a fee for service. Measuring outcomes with quality metrics will be critical to healthcare organizational survival. We will dive into Value-Based Purchasing (VBP), Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), Merit-based Incentive Payments (MIPS), Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR), The Joint Commission (ORYX), Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR), and Alternative Payment Models (APM).
We speak to the reimbursement model changes for 2018 and 2019. We will compare and contrast the requirements for quality measure reporting and identify strategies to ensure compliance.
Lots of great stuff!
On Wednesday, May 30 at 2:30 pm, I’ll be co-presenting in Tampa 3 an education session titled Revenue Cycle Optimization: Tools and Strategies for Success .
The session will discuss strategies to optimize EHR build and workflow in the areas of registration, medical necessity, and clinical documentation improvement; tools and resources for reporting, tracking progress, and understanding the revenue at risk; and how to maintain a high-functioning revenue cycle during times of transition.
Reimbursement tied to quality performance has become a reality for hospitals and physicians. CMS’ aggressive goals aimed at increasing the percentage of Medicare payments associated with quality outcomes versus quantity of service create operational, procedural, and fiscal challenges. Financial, as well as clinical strategies, must be redesigned and executed in this new value-based care environment.
Jodi Frei of Northwestern Medical Center in St Albans Vermont will share financial lessons learned from having recently completed a 12-month system upgrade and rebuild. Metrics that matter, strategies to best prevent revenue loss in times of transition, and optimization of quality-based reimbursement are amongst the topics to be covered.
Essential to any highly reliable process is the ability to track progress, report statistics and present actionable data to various stakeholders. I will share tools and resources for reporting and tracking progress from both a clinical and financial perspective. Revenue Cycle in this era of health care reform is challenging. We all seek success under this new normal in health care. Optimizing revenue capture in a quality reimbursement model requires the acquisition of new knowledge and the use of new tools and strategies.
Stop by and be a part of the discussion!